Regd. No : 328 / 2018  

Methods Of Consumer Protection Act :

The important ways for consumer protection are :

Imposition of self-regulation and discipline by the manufacturers and suppliers of goods and services for working in the interests of consumers
The role of government which can enact laws for the protection of consumers and make arrangements for their enforcement.
Voluntary organisation of consumers to form groups such as NGO, cooperative societies to safeguard the interests of consumers.

Role of Consumer Organizations and NGOs :

They organise campaigns on various consumer issues to create social awareness.
They organise training programmes for the consumers and make them conscious of their rights and modes of redressal of their grievances.
They bring out periodicals and other publications to enlighten the consumers about various consumer related developments. For instance, VOICE publishes a bimonthly magazine called “Consumer Voice” which covers a wide variety of subjects of importance for the consumers.
They provide free legal advice to their members on matters of consumer interest and help them to take up their grievances with the District Forum, State Commission and National Commission set up under the Consumer Protection Act.
They interact with businessmen and Chambers of Commerce and Industry for ensuring a better deal for consumers.
They launch Public Interest Litigation (PIL) on important consumer issues. Public Interest Litigation means a legal action initiated in a court of law regarding a matter of general public interest such as ban on a product injurious to public health.


Areas Where Consumer Gets To Awaress About His Rights :

Airline Complaints
Competition Policy
Consumer Complaint
Food Safety
Mandatory Labelling
Online Complaint Management System
Product Recall
Unfair Competition


Recommendations & Suggestions :
Consumer awareness should be created both in urban and rural areas by highlighting the rights of consumers by educating about the complaint, forum and redressal system. The study suggests following measures to spread consumer rights awareness for the protection of consumer interest:

Consumer Right Awareness
Consumer Education
Role of Government
Enforcement Agencies
Enactment and Amended existing laws.

The awareness where consumer need in day to day life :

Prevention of Food Adulteration Act, 1954
The Essential Commodities Act, 1985,
Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marketing) Act,
Drugs Control Act
Drugs and Cosmetics Act
Standards of Weights and Measures Act,
Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act,
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act,
Prevention of Black Marketing and Maintenance of Essential Commodities Act,
Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
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