Regd. No : 328 / 2018  

This Indenture of the Trust is made and executed on this28th Day of December.2018,at Visakhapatnam by : -

Sri. Dr. Racharnalla Sai Ramesh Darnodara Rao, aged 46 years, ( PAN:AJPPD81N) S/o.(Late)Rachamalla Venkata Suryanarayana, residing at Door No. 6-45-225, Gujju Ramanaidu Veedhi, Thagarapuvalasa, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh- 531163, (here in after referred to a sthe "SETTLOR"which term, wher ever the context requires or admits, shall mean and includes his/her successors, executors.

Administrators and assigns etc.,of the ONE PART WHEREAS THE SETILOR desires to undertake charitable and other socialtivities and has decided to form a Public Charitable Trust to carry out the above Activities and also for the objects here in after mentioned.

Whereas prior to the execution of these presents, the settlor has set apart a sum of RS.1000/- ( Rupess One Thousand Only ) For this purpose.

Whereas the Settlor has declared that the aforesaid sum of Rs. 1000/- ( Rupess One Thousand Only ) and all further contributions in cash or kind and any property that may hereafter be Transferred to the trust by the settlor or any other person and the interest, rent, contributions or any other income there form ( here in after referred as the trust Property ) shall be held upon by the trust for the objects and purpose hereinafter.

 Bank Account Details
Account Number : 50200038648110
Branch : HB Colony
Address : D-No : 55-11-1, RSK Plaza, MMTC Colony,
 Opp.LIC Jeevan Sodha Apartments, HB Colony,Seethammadara,Vizag 530022
Copyrights @ 2019 Budda Seva Foundation